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Celebrate the authenticity of being uniquely human - fearfully and wonderfully made.

Clothes with a unique design and profound message

The clothes we wear are not only a non-verbal form of communication, they are also all around us. Maybe the person behind you just needs a hint to the right direction. And you can grab their attention with great styles that speak truth.

About the brand

Being genuine is the best we can be

Thegenuinehuman stands for the expression of TRUTH and our divine blueprint through art and fashion.
Our primary goal is to spread the word of God as it is the basis from which to build anything in life and at the same time a heavily censored asset here on earth at this time.
In alignment with Christian values, we also seek to promote awareness around the conservation of our planet in both the social and environmental spheres.

As the world is currently witnessing the exponential rise of artificial intelligence that fundamentally challenges society as a whole, many jobs, including those in creative art, are being replaced by these technologies. But it remains clear that even the most advanced algorithms and humanoid robots will never have this one God-given, precious thing that is the source of all human creativity: the soul. So let´s celebrate the fact that we are unique and handcrafted by the most high and boldly display our faith.